#2: Yard Work - While Dad was waiting for the A/C guy to show up this morning and tell us what was wrong, he weed-whacked and trimmed the bushes and trees in our front yard... and then left the pieces for John and I to pick up when he left to go back to work. So, John and I picked up branches and sticks and leaves and stuff for a while (John actually tried to mow it up, which didn't work too well). It was hot outside too.
#3: Legalities - My little brother is 18 today. It's scary. He can fight for our country, buy tobacco products, non-alcoholic beer and lotto tickets, and he can sign his own release forms. He's growing up and it's cool, but it makes me sad 'cause I can't sit on him anymore. :( He leaves for California in a month and it's a good thing we have free phone-to-phone calling. :)
So that's all for now, I guess. I'll leave you with a picture of Emily and I from our small group get-together last week (courtesy of the best leader ever - Cindy).

Mood: Lazy Listening to: The Dandy Warhols, Welcome to the Monkey House
Reading: C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
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