Anyway, here's the promised picture of the C.S. Lewis section in the library (or some of it):

I sat in the basement today after my Sociology exam and read for my Media Effects class. It was so peaceful. Gosh. I'm becoming addicted to the library! *gasp*
Last night was wonderful... the guys cooked us dinner to show appreciation for our being their sisters in Christ. They escorted to and from the building and into dinner... serving us the whole way and eventually serenading us. :) It was fun to get dressed up and just let go for the evening, getting to fellowship with my family. I keep saying it, but I am so incredibly blessed! We got the guys plastic swords... which they are in love with (nevermind that they were surrounded by beautiful women all night... they just want the swords. LOL.) They're so good to us.
Here's Becky and me during the dinner... Don't I have pretty friends?

Anyway... I need to go do some work for my exam tomorrow and keep myself away from this CD... it's so good and, now, it's full of memories. :)
Mood: Relaxed Listening to: Hawk Nelson, Letters to the President
Reading: OT Survey
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